In the case of incompletely or inadequately provided contracted travel services, the Traveller has the right to complain and can initiate a complaint procedure with the representative of the travel agency or service provider on spot, who will try to rectify the incompleteness or inadequacy. We emphasize that is in the interest of the Traveller to act in good faith and express the intent of resolving the complaint on the spot. If that is not possible, the Traveller must request a written confirmation from the representative of the travel agency or the service provider, showing that the service was not provided or that it was not provided in accordance with the Contract. The Traveller shall enclose the written and signed confirmation with the written complaint, which s/he is obliged to send to the Organiser within 8 days after the travel end by registered mail to the following address: T&T Travel Boutique, travel agency/Sole Trader for tourism and business services, Owner Tihana Dolenec, Djordjićeva 5, HR-10 000 Zagreb. If the Traveller lodges a complaint after the indicated deadline, the Organiser shall not be obliged to address such a complaint. Each Traveller shall lodge the complaint separately. Collective complaints shall not be considered by the T&T Travel Boutique travel agency/Sole trader for tourism and business services. The Organiser is obliged to issue a written decision on the complaint within 15 days after the receipt of the complaint and may postpone the deadline for the decision on the complaint by an additional 15 days, on grounds of gathering information. The Organiser will address only those complaints for which the Traveller submits proof of having lodged them on spot in written form with the service provider, and of the failure to eliminate their cause on the premises. During the decision procedure and for a total of 15 or 30 days, as applicable, after complaining, the Traveller shall irrevocably reject mediation by any other person, arbitration by the Association of Croatian Travel Agencies or other institutions, as well as abstain from providing information to the media. During this period, the Traveller shall also waive the right to sue. If by fault of T&T Travel Boutique travel agency, a part of the program or services is not provided, the Traveller shall be entitled to receive compensation in the amount of the actual value of the services unused, which cannot include the services already used or the total price of the travel arrangement. The Traveller and T&T Travel Boutique travel agency shall try to resolve their disputes amicably, and failing that, shall agree on the jurisdiction of a court in Zagreb. The governing law will be Croatian law.

Turistička agencija T&T Travel Boutique/ Obrt za turističke i poslovne usluge

Djordjićeva 5, HR -10000 Zagreb, OIB: 47538511420, Business registry number: MB97511455

Tel: +385 91 2501718 Email: W:



U slučaju nepotpuno ili neadekvatno izvršene usluge iz ugovorenog paket aranžmana, Putnik ima pravo prigovora te može pokrenuti žalbeni postupak kod predstavnika turističke agencije ili davatelja usluge na licu mjesta, koji će nastojati ispraviti greške. Naglašavamo da je u interesu Putnika, da nastupa u dobroj namjeri i iskaže volju za rješavanjem prigovora na licu mjesta. Ukoliko to ne bude moguće, Putnik mora tražiti pismenu potvrdu predstavnika turističke agencije ili davatelja usluge, iz koje se vidi da usluga nije pružena, odnosno da nije pružena na način kako je ugovoreno. Pismenu i potpisanu potvrdu Putnik potom prilaže pismenoj reklamaciji te je dužan u roku od 8 dana nakon završetka putovanja poslati organizatoru putovanja preporučenom poštom na adresu: T&T Travel Boutique turistička agencija/Obrt za turističke i poslovne usluge, Vl. Tihana Dolenec, Djordjićeva 5, HR-10 000 Zagreb. Ukoliko Putnik uloži reklamaciju nakon navedenog roka, Organizator putovanja takvu reklamaciju nije dužan uzeti u obzir. Svaki Putnik prigovor donosi zasebno. T&T Travel Boutique turistička agencija neće uzeti u razmatranje grupne prigovore. Organizator putovanja je dužan donijeti pismeno rješenje na ovaj prigovor u roku od 15 dana po primitku prigovora, a može odgoditi rok rješenja o pritužbi za dodatnih 15 dana zbog prikupljanja informacija. Organizator putovanja će rješavati samo one pritužbe za koje Putnik dostavi dokaz da je uputio pismeni prigovor davatelju usluge na licu mjesta te da se uzrok nije mogao otkloniti na licu mjesta. Dok postupak rješenja traje, a ukupno 15 odnosno 30 dana nakon ulaganja prigovora, Putnik se neopozivo odriče posredovanja bilo koje druge osobe, arbitraže UHPA-e ili druge institucije, kao i davanja informacija u medije. Isto tako u ovom periodu Putnik se odriče prava na tužbu. Ukoliko je zbog krivnje turističke agencije T&T Travel Boutique došlo do neispunjavanja programa ili dijela usluga, Putnik ima pravo na naknadu u visini stvarne vrijednosti neiskorištenih usluga i ne može obuhvatiti već iskorištene usluge kao ni cjelokupni iznos paket aranžmana. Putnik i turistička agencija T&T Travel Boutique će sporove nastojati razriješiti sporazumno, a u suprotnom ugovaraju nadležnosti suda u Zagrebu.

Turistička agencija T&T Travel Boutique/ Obrt za turističke i poslovne usluge

Djordjićeva 5, HR -10000 Zagreb, OIB:47538511420 , Matični broj :MB 97511455

Tel: +385 91 2501718    Email: W: